By the Numbers: 2013 in Review

December 30, 2013

I always love those pages in the magazine that give you random facts and numbers, so I love to do the same for the business every year.  Here is a summary of Christine Lewis Photography in the numbers!

  •  46 photo shoots completed
    • 8 Children

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 9 Families

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 13 Babies

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 5 Newborns

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

(including twins!)

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 5 Maternity

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 2 Couples

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 2 Seniors

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 2 Models (New in 2013)

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • 2 days of Mini Sessions! (Brand new for 2013)
    • Valentine's Mini Sessions

Image has a 2x3 aspect ratio, meaning sizes 4x6, 8x12, 12x18, 16x24, etc can be printed with no cropping. If you order any other size, some cropping may occur. Often this is ok, you just need to check to make sure it crops how you would like it to.

  • Spring Mini Sessions

  • 1 Wedding

  • 0: Number of Festivals I did this year - to allow more time for photo shoots!  Doing this really opened up more scheduling flexibility and allowed me to get back to the true joy of taking photos just for fun:)
  • Trips to add to the "Wanderlust" category:
  • Italy
    • Rome

  • Tuscany

  • Cinque Terre

  • Venice

  • France

  • Blue Ridge Parkway

Richland Balsam OverlookRichland Balsam OverlookBlue Ridge Parkway, NC

So, there has been lots of new stuff happening in 2013!  I did my first couple modeling photo shoots, and wish Bryn and Nancy the best of luck in their modeling careers:)  I also added a couple days of mini shoots, which were TONS of fun.  How could you not love dressing up for Valentine’s Day? Or playing with a baby goat?  Another big change in 2013: Studio space!  Funny enough, that one already came and went.  I enjoyed having studio space available in Hixson to take pictures of newborns and babies on those cold, rainy days but I realized I just really love the great outdoors better!  No worries, though, for 2014 I have made a small in-home studio that will be available instead. 

The biggest change in 2013?? I'm PREGNANT!  Definitely the biggest change in my life.  A big thanks to all my clients who helped me through the last six months.  You guys are the greatest.  Keeping up with those babies is getting harder though!  As of Jan 1, I’m officially on maternity leave until Spring.  Be watching - I’m working on my rusty self-portrait skills!  And you know you’ll see lots of Baby Sawyer pictures:)

A sneak peek of our maternity pictures:

In January 2013 my goals were to "Run several marketing campaigns for portrait work, and open up new opportunities for the fine art work in various galleries and online stores."  I'm happy to say I have worked with many new clients this year, and I have each and every one of you to thank.  Your recommendations to friends and family are the best advertisement I could ever ask for!  In addition to word of mouth, I ran several successful marketing campaigns.  Also, my work is now featured at Shank's Center in Crossville, TN! 

I look forward to what 2014 will bring.  Starting in the Spring, I hope to come back to doing photo shoots in full force!  Goals for this year include starting back up those marketing campaigns, and growing my client base in Chattanooga.  Additionally, I plan to use my "maternity leave" months to increase my photography education and improve my online fine art photography presence.

Once again, thanks to everyone who has believed in me and supported me in this crazy adventure.  Great things to come in 2014! 


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