The Neals: Leeann, Casey, Aubrey, Autumn, and Annabelle
Yes, their names are Aubrey, Autumn, and Annabelle. I love it. Although, a little difficult to keep up with in the middle of a photo shoot after just meeting them. I think I kept it straight for most of the time at least:)
The 3 sisters. I think this completely captures their personalities. I just had to laugh when I saw it. Don't you love their outfits though? So cute and they coordinate perfectly without matching!
When I pulled in to the location, I had actually never been there before. This is grandma's house and they have many fond memories there, so a perfect spot for the photo shoot. As soon as I pulled in I just knew we had to use that awesome blue metal barn for a backdrop. I've never seen anything like it! I came home and immediately told my husband we had to paint a barn blue. He just looked at me like I was crazy. I get that a lot:)
I love how mesmerized Autumn is by the bubbles.
She didn't quite understand that you don't have to put your mouth on the bubble wand to make bubbles. It was quite cute, but totally useless as a way to make bubbles:)
Love, love, love this one. We were actually trying to get everyone situated for a family shot when I clicked this one of Miss Aubrey. I like it best when I catch kids off guard:)
To end with one of my favorites - the girls in the old red wagon. I know they aren't looking or anything, but I think that just makes it more natural. There's just something about this one that I love! To see more pictures like these, go to the "Families" section of the "Lifestyle Portraits" portfolio. Comments
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