Spray and Play at Warner Park: Luke is 2!

June 26, 2013  •  1 Comment

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

This kid is awesome. I've been taking pictures of him since he was a newborn and every time he just cracks me up even more! He has personality to spare, for sure.

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

The clouds parted and the rain disappeared for a couple hours so we were able to go to Warner Park's Spray and Play area to celebrate his birthday, and catch a few VERY real smiles in the meantime.

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

Luke absolutely LOVES the water.  He didn't want to come out of it the whole time we were there!

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

A few of his cousins and friends were there to celebrate and play with him as well.

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

He's such a goofball.

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

This is one of my absolute favorites.  If you could just bottle up pure bliss, I imagine this is what it'd look like!

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

His beautiful long hair got a little crazy in all that water! lol

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

Of course he would try to lick the water, why not? I'm pretty sure I died laughing shortly after snapping this shot.

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

They almost all fit under there!

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

What's funny, was that he was considerably younger than most of the kids there, but they all wanted to play with him! He's just that much fun to hang out with.  They all goofed off together the entire time.

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

Um, this is his scary face. Can't you tell?

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler


children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler

Luke cried and cried when they turned the water off for cake and presents.  What's the only thing in the world that could mend that broken heart?

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler john deere tractor

Why a John Deere tractor and a mud puddle, of course! Such a good little southern boy:)

children portrait photographer chattanooga tn warner park spray and play "christine lewis photography" birthday party boy two year old toddler john deere tractor

Want to see more children's portraits by Christine Lewis Photography? Click here!


My grandson is awesome....Love him to pieces...Thanks Christine for always capturing the true Luke and for the many happy-lasting memories...
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