Hattie and the Chicken Wrangling!

February 25, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor

So...this has to be by far the most unique as well as the most hilarious photo shoot I've EVER done.

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor, rooster

This is Hattie...and Hattie's chickens, rooster, and pea hen. 

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor, pea hen

Hattie contacted me about doing a special project. Her family has had chickens for several generations.  For a special gift, she wanted to have a photo shoot done with her chickens to go along with the images of the women of her family feeding their chickens.

This image above was one she gave me to explain what she wanted to recreate.

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor, vintage, feedingVintage Yellow

These are images we took at our photo shoot. Pretty cool huh?

Here's another set of her pictures compared to the ones we took.

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor, vintage, feedingVintage Blue


THAT was the intent of our photo shoot, and it was a lot of fun to do something new and different.

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor, vintage, feedingVintage Yellow

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor

However, these cute little chickens had another idea in mind. 

We ended up taking pictures for about an hour...

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor

...then chasing the chickens for another hour.

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor

Apparently these sweet little chickens will come right to Hattie normally, but being in a new field with lots to explore they were having NONE of it.  They didn't want to be caught and go back in the car.  I'd have to say this was my first experience with chicken wrangling!

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor


chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor

Hattie and I were absolutely on the floor laughing trying to capture these slippery little suckers.  At one point, I got really tired of slowly trying to sneak up behind them.  I decided, by god, if I can wear out two-year-olds at a photo shoot I can SURE wear out a chicken.  Yeah, I just started chasing them around in circles.  It TOTALLY freaked them out.  They had no idea what to do with me!  While I was distracting them, Hattie nabbed them.

chickens, photo shoot, speciality, professional, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, field, outdoor

And that, my friends, is the story of how we FINALLY caught the final two. 

This little guy? Yeah, he was the very last one.  Whew. Makes me tired just thinking about it.  I'm pretty sure lost at least 5 pounds from running, chasing, and laughing that day:)

I'd send you to another gallery to check out more images like these, but trust me, there aren't any!


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